I am hoping that in the future I can be of some assistance to your cause in helping other transvestites to know themselves. I am an educated pro- fessional man and I am sure there is something I can do to that end.

I have in the past ordered several of your publications, Transvestia. I have not kept up with them, however, because for myself, (and this is not meant to criticize) Transvestia contains too much fiction, too many stor- ies of boy-turns-into-girl-and-lives-happily-ever-after. Let's face it, unless a man is a true transexual, a boy living happily ever after is neither prac- tical or appealing, (except in extreme cases like yours). I believe that most transvestites enjoy roles as girls occasionally, but could not live that way permanently. Maybe I am wrong?? At any rate, keep up the good work, I know you helped save me and I am sure there are many others.

I sincerely wish to say a heartfelt THANK YOU. I hope some day I can do so in person. Again, thank you, Virginia, and God Bless.

Respectfully Yours, Vicki IL-32-G FPE


Dear Virginia:

I am guite amazed at the many TV publications which are on the mar- ket now. I have bought quite a few of these from our local "dirty book" store, and some from the publishers. These are quite interesting to read, although some of them are just on the borderline of indecent. In fact, a few of those if read by a young person with FP inclinations would give that person the wrong idea about FPs that most FPs are gay, etc. In my opinion, and I think I am right, those of this type are in the minority, although be- cause of the publicity they get in a row of these magazines this might not

seem so.

The point I wish to make is that "Transvestia” is the best magazine in the field. The articles are well written and the fiction is good. And above all "Transvestia” could be read by anyone from "nine to ninety” and not be offended by anything in it.


Jaqueline FCNB-1-T FPE
